Equality and Diversity

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Equality and Diversity

I will not tolerate discrimination, without lawful cause, against any person, nor victimisation or harassment on the grounds of:

(a) age; 

(b) disability; 

(c) gender reassignment; 

(d) race; 

(e) religion or belief; 

(f) sex; 

(g) sexual orientation; 

(h) marriage or civil partnership status;. 

(i) pregnancy and maternity or 

(j) caring responsibility. 

I will take such steps, and make such adjustments, as are reasonable in all the circumstances in order to prevent anyone from being placed at a substantial disadvantage based on the above.

Dealings with third parties 

I will not unlawfully discriminate in dealings with third parties. This applies to dealings with other legal service providers and general procurement. We will instruct third parties based on their skill and not unlawfully discriminate.   

I will treat seriously all complaints of unlawful discrimination on any of the forbidden grounds made by employees, directors, clients, barristers or other third parties and will take action where appropriate. 

All complaints will be investigated in accordance with the company’s complaints procedure and the complainant will be informed of the outcome. 

I will also monitor the number and outcome of complaints of discrimination made by staff, clients, directors, barristers, and other third parties. 

If you have any reason to believe that discrimination has occurred, please contact me.